Assessments can provide useful information about an athlete’s mental skills, communication style, sport learning preferences, competitive nature, personal motivators, leadership characteristics, personality, and level of confidence. They can be administered to individuals or teams and a scheduled feedback session can be done to review/interpret your results.


The Athletic Coping Skills Inventory 28 (“ACSI-28”) is a highly validated assessment that measures an athlete’s psychological coping skills in seven key areas. Developed by Smith et al. (1995), the ACSI-28 helps guide athletes who are interested in gaining more understanding and clarity around these mental skills that can impact performance. Athletes will answer a series of twenty-eight questions surrounding different psychological components of performance. Based off the athletes results, they will receive an individual report developed by our licensed sport psychologists at Premier Sport Psychology.

What it is ? :

-Assessment measuring sport-specific psychological skills within seven different subscales related to athletic performance

-Online assessment including 28 questions

-Individualized report that explains the athlete’s individual results and provides recommendations from licensed sport psychologists for further mental skill development

What it does ? :

Measures 7 different psychological aspects of performance :

-Coping with Adversity



-Confidence and Achievement Motivation

-Goal Setting and Mental Preparation

-Peaking under Pressure

-Freedom from Worry

-Generates individualized feedback based on results, with specific advice and action steps to improve going forward

-Increases self-awareness for athletes

-Gives coaches a better idea of their athletes psychological coping skills

Why it’s valuable ? :

-Generates a baseline measure of psychological skills within sport for each individual, allowing them to see their areas of strength as well as areas that could be further developed. This provides an initial measure that athletes may compare and contrast with future measures to see how his/her performance has altered throughout time

-Gives an individual athlete potential steps to improve his/her performance and suggests specific components of the Premier Mindset Program that will be helpful in improving the particular psychological skill

-In understanding where an athlete’s psychological skill sets may lie in comparison to other elite athletes, he/she can begin to prioritize their mental training, which can help to enhance performance optimization routines and may create greater consistency in athletic performance over time

DISC In Sport

The DISC model is a behavioral–not personality–assessment, measuring four traits: dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance. It works with different personalities to change behaviors in order to improve performance and develop self-awareness. There are three separate DISC profiles available, each of which is tailored to a distinct role within a sports organization (AthleteDISC, CoachDISC, and Sports ManagerDISC). The DISC helps give individuals the tools they need to enhance their strengths and work with others in a cooperative way.

What It Is ? :

-A unique online assessment of a person’s personality and behaviors

-Each report is tailored to the individual

What It Does ? :

-Measures observable, external behavior

-Determines how such behavior affects a person’s performance

-Highlights strengths to utilize for performance

-Identifies areas for improvement for increased performance

-Increases self-awareness

Why It’s Valuable ? :

-Gives the individual a course of action towards improving their performance

-Increased self-awareness leads to effective behavior change and decision making

-Improves team dynamics through an understanding of all personalities involved

-Promotes connection among team members

-Allows leaders to recognize value in all team members 

Athletic Intelligence Quotient (AIQ)

The Athletic Intelligence Quotient (AIQ) was developed as a tool to measure cognitive abilities that determine athletic success and failure–while providing an in-depth and sport specific analysis of each score. The four main components of the AIQ are visual processing, memory, reaction time, and processing speed. The Athletic Intelligence Quotient is a unique assessment because it was designed specifically for athletes. Unlike other tools, the AIQ does not rely on self-report or reports from others; instead, the athletes must demonstrate their skills. Drs. Anderson and Wagener are trained in the AIQ and can help athletes and teams to better understand their athletic abilities through individual and/or group sessions.

What It Is ? :

-A specific intelligence test geared towards understanding an athlete’s mental capabilities

-Measures the cognitive abilities central to athletic performance

-Provides an understanding of an athlete’s processing speed, reaction time, memory, and visual processing

What It Does ? :

-Predicts an athlete’s ability to master new skills and strategies

-Determines whether an athlete can adapt to unpredicted situations

-Measures an athlete’s skill of adjusting to a constantly changing environment

-Provides coaches with detailed scores on each player’s athletic intelligence

Why It’s Valuable ? :

-Increases practice efficiency

-Provides insight on an athlete’s ability to succeed

EQi 2.0

Research is proving time and time again that Emotional Intelligence (EI) is one of the most critical factors in predicting overall well-being and success, more so than IQ or physical skill.  Contrary to traditional measures of intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence is a skill that is not absolute or static – it can change and be developed over time and isn’t something we’re “stuck with” throughout our lives.  Emotional intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.  The EQi 2.0 can lead to dramatic increases in performance, interaction with others, and leadership potential.

Emotional intelligence can be helpful in understanding impact in social/team, leadership, and organizational development.  Using the EQi 2.0, we can now assess and evaluate an individual’s emotional intelligence and understand on a deeper, more meaningful level.  The EQi 2.0 is versatile in a range of environments (both sport and non-sport) and can target specific developmental opportunities unique to each individual.  Each customized report contains specific strategies for your personal leadership growth that anyone can apply in their personal, professional or sporting environment.  Together, we’ll use the EQi to help you optimize performance, improve interactions with others, and target your leadership potential in 5 fundamental areas including self-perception, self-expression, interpersonal relationships, decision making and stress management.

The Attentional and Interpersonal Style Inventory (TAIS)

The Attentional and Interpersonal Style Inventory (TAIS) measures athlete/coach/performer’s use and frequency of use of mental skills through three performance building blocks: leadership, emotional control, and performance. It allows athletes, coaches, or performers to identify environmental conditions and specific behaviors that are likely to facilitate or interfere with their ability to make effective decisions and perform at their optimal level.

What It Is ? :

-144 item self-report questionnaire

-Measures 20 different concentration skills, personal attributes, and interpersonal attributes

What It Does ? :

-Measures specific concentration and interpersonal skills necessary for effective decision-making

-Produces scores that allow people to identify their concentration strengths and relative weaknesses

-Helps to identify performance situations where mistakes are likely to occur

-Guides strategy to prevent or minimize the effects a situation has on performance

Why It’s Valuable ? :

-Identifies and guides coordination of mental and physical processes involved in high-pressure situations

-Allows people to identify environmental conditions likely to help or hinder their ability to make effective decisions and perform optimally

-Produces scores on personal and interpersonal scales that allow individuals to anticipate the types of performance situations which are likely to interfere with their ability to control their level of emotional arousal

Process Communication Model (PCM)

The Process Communication Model (PCM) is an advanced, scientific research-based tool which enables athletes/performances to understand, motivate, and communicate effectively with others. The PCM provides precise methods to enhance self-management and management of interpersonal relationships even under stress. Athletes/performers will learn about each of the six personality types described by the model that will help provide insight into relationships, therefore enhancing their efficiency both personally and professionally. Drs. Wagener and Anderson are certified Process Communication Model® trainers who can help teach the model’s concepts effectively through individual sessions, coaching sessions, or within a team format.

What It Is ? :

-Provides a variety of tools designed for successful communication

-Skills learned from the model enable one to motivate, understand, and communicate with others

What It Does ? :

-Provides a wide range of practical tools that help communication with all six personality types

-Provides second-by-second strategies in interacting with others to turn potentially unproductive conversations into effective communication

-Enables understanding of a variety of important behavioral differences

-Helps one analyze a conflict in order to find a solution

Why It’s Valuable ? :

-Enhances individual performance through coaching

-Improves conflict management skills

-Aids in increasing effective teamwork

-Improves team dynamics/team building

-Increases awareness of self/others

-Enhances enjoyment of activity

-Decreases burnout