Professor Hubert Ripoll

Hubert Ripoll is professor emeritus of universities, essayist and sports psychologist. He was President of the French Society of Sport Psychology and created at the National Institute of Sport and Performance (INSEP) the first French laboratory of cognitive psychology applied to sport, then various research laboratories in French universities and foreign. He has worked with several teams in France and with numerous Olympic and world champions. He is currently a mental coach for French international athletes. He has published over one hundred scientific articles in international journals and ten specialist works in sports psychology.

He conducts investigations to understand the psychology of exceptional athletes for which he crosses singular experiences of champions and scientific knowledge in sports psychology. These investigations have given rise to several trials: Le mental des champions (Payot, 2008) :, Le mental des coachs (Payot, 2012) :, La résilience par le sport (Odile Jacob, 2016) : , Les champions et leurs émotions (Payot, 2020) :

Videos to know more Hubert Ripoll and his work

Expert group coordinator and scientific expert for the Europe zone